About Me
Hello! I’m April
Tattoo Artist working in Colorado Springs, CO

After getting my first tattoo at 27 I realized there was an opportunity to change the stereotype of tattoo artists and tattoo shop. I found myself uncomfortable walking into many of the standard shops and talking with predominantly male artist. I was intimidated and unsure of the unsaid rules and found it hard to find the answers to questions I had. After being persuaded by my husband become a tattoo artist, I started my journey into the tattoo world in 2010 as an apprentice. Once I built up the confidence to start the apprenticeship I knew I found my calling. After a short time away while I was pregnant with my daughter I came back full time in 2013 and I have been loving every minute since. I want people, both men and women, to feel comfortable and know they have a safe comfortable environment to collaborate on creating a unique piece just for them. I still am so humbled to think my art is walking for the world for the world to see on a daily basis and to see people display their art the way they wear their favorite outfit or jewelry.
I came to Colorado with my husband in 2008 for the search of new opportunities. Being an active person the mountains provide the perfect place to explore the outdoors and be inspired by nature.
I often have a booth and can be found at the Villian Arts Conventions in Minnesota and Kansas City, the 208 Tattoo Fest in Boise, the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in Sturgis SD, and always looking for future locations.

I am an avid traveler and I am so blessed to have the opportunity with my business and family to be able to travel around the world. The travel bug got a hold of me as a young adult and fueled many of my life long dreams. Along with visiting family and friends I get a chance to meet new people and discovering the vast diversity of cultures, including art and food, help keep my mind open and fresh with new ideas and inspiration. Traveling will always be a part of my life. Many of my conventions and guest spots revolve around the locations I have both family and friends, giving me an opportunity to work and play. A few of the places I frequent is Minneapolis MN, Boise ID, Kansas City MO, Sturgis SD, Germany, Ireland, and several other locations that rotate on my list.
I studied fine art from Bemidji State University in northern MN. Where I was also an outdoor educator, I love being out in the wild hiking, rock climbing, biking, and paddling. I also attended Rocky Mountain College Art and Design to further my education in fine art. I love to continually grow as an artist and learn new techniques and mediums to enhance my skills.